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The Nub Theory

Writer's picture: Nub TheoryNub Theory

The one and only theory you can count on. The Nub Theory is the most fascinating theory that people still simply do not believe in.

The Nub Theory Explained

Between 11 to 13 weeks in gestation, all babies have  a nub between their legs called the genital tubercle, and according to the nub theory, the angle of the dangle will indicate whether its a boy or a girl. If the nub is over 30 degrees from the spine, its a boy - but if its under 30 degrees, its a girl. 

The Nub Theory

All nubs will image in two parts and sometimes look forked. This fork will split into two parts. The bottom half also known as the urogenital folds will develop into the labia minora, and the top half will develop into the clitoris. For male fetuses the genital tuber will develop into the glans of the penis,

the urogenital fold becomes the shaft and the labioscrotal fold matures into the scrotum.

Timing Of Ultrasound

According to proponents of nub theory, you can crack the code of your baby’s sex at a 12-week ultrasound. It’s true that between 8 and 9 weeks of gestation the genital tubercle begins to take shape, though it looks largely the same in both sexes until about 12.5 weeks.

How To Determine A Baby Boy

To actually apply nub theory to your baby’s ultrasound, you need to catch them in a clear profile so the length of their spine is visible horizontally. From there, you would search for the nub, or a small protrusion, in between your baby's legs is where you will find the genital tubercle.If your baby’s nub is angled higher than 30 degrees in relation to its spine that indicates your baby is a boy. Obviously there is other markers to take in to account, you can find the full description at

How To Determine A Baby Girl

To actually apply nub theory to your baby’s ultrasound, you need to catch them in a clear profile so the length of their spine is visible horizontally. From there, you would search for the nub, or a small protrusion, in between your baby's legs is where you will find the genital tubercle.If your baby’s nub shows an angle less than 30 degrees in relation to its spine that indicates your baby is a girl. Obviously there is other markers to take in to account, you can find the full description at

Why Are So Many Against The Nub Theory?

A small snippet below of what we see and hear on a daily basis. It can be quite frustrating to witness, unfortunately these people have not taken the time to study the theory and come to realise that it really is more than just that.We are nub theory enthusiasts and our passion shows in our work. We have studied this method for many years and we know that if your scan images are analysed correctly using many different gender markers then the nub theory is up to 99.9% accurate. There are times when the nub theory will be predicted incorrectly, this is usually down to a poor image, the incorrect identification of all the gender markers and the wrong gestation submitted at the time of analysis. When a video is analysed from around 12.4 weeks in gestation then the nub theory is pretty inarguable. Usually if an incorrect prediction does happen it is generally around  5% of the time and down to inexperience. Thankfully our team here have many years experience, so rest assured you will be receiving the best possible prediction.  

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